Always The Very Best Table In YOUR House!
Now In Our 22nd Season!

TV Maitre d' Professional Services

Radio & Television Production

Corporate Profiles Venda Ravioli

We are Experts in the Origination and Production: including all Scripting, Voiceover and Editing of: TV Commercials, Corporate Profiles, Product Profiles, Training Profiles, Training Videos, Web Videos, and Radio Commercials.

Call 401-595-3399 for a Consultation!

Emcee, Toastmaster, & Guestspeaker

As a well known Local Celebrity, Joe is the Perfect choice as your Emcee, Toastmaster, or Guestspeaker.

Voice Talent For Hire

Joe Zito is an accomplished Voice Talent with literally "Hundreds and Hundreds" of Radio and Television commercials to his credit.

In addition to his duties as Executive Producer, Writer and Host of Award Winning TV Maitre d', now in its 12th Season on the air, he stays busy with a wide variety of creative projects.

His strong recognition in this marketplace makes the perfect choice as your Corporate Pitch Man on TV or Radio... Or simply as the familiar and always pleasant sounding voice associated with your message.

Contact Joe today at 401-595-3399!

Ad Copywriter

Joe Zito is an accomplished copywriter with years of creative experience developing and writing copy for:

  • TV and Radio Commercials
  • Scripts
  • Publicity
  • Brochures
  • Speeches/Oral Presentations
  • Package Design Copy

TV Maitre d' Restaurant Consulting

Attn: Southern New England Restaurateurs:

I've been in this business for a long time. I know that I can help you in a variety of ways. And do it "Cost Effectively" for one day or a year! You have my PERSONAL GUARANTEE. Call me at 401-595-3399.

  • Server Seminars
  • Brainstorming
  • Radio & TV Spots
  • Creative Ways to Attract New Customers
  • Press Releases
  • Print Ad Origination
  • Performance Appraisals
  • Trends
  • Menu Analysis
  • Are you "Branding" yourself properly?

... And More! Your First Consultation is FREE!

TV Maitre d' "Live" 1 Hour Server Seminar

Attn: Restaurant Owners & General Managers:

What can your Server Staff learn in an hour? ... A Helluva Lot!

To improve their service, their tips and YOUR Bottom Line!

Introducing TV Maitre d' Joe Zito's 1 Hour Live Server Seminar.